Monday, July 1, 2013

6 Months Up

About 6 months ago, a man in my church told me that he was praying I would find a husband: that I needed to be a wife. So he continued to tell me that when he prays that someone will find their future spouse, it always happens within 6 months... Needless to say, that creeped me out. I'm 19!! I don't want to find my husband yet-- I'm not ready!!
Well, today is 6 months and no husband in sight-- obviously, this means I'm going to be alone forever. Obviously. 
To be honest, that doesn't really bother me! Firstly, because I don't believe that that man has any control over who and when I marry-- so that's nice. Secondly, I'm a bit too busy trying to live the life God has placed in front of me. 
This past month has been insane for me! I started working at my hometown church as the Middle School Ministry Intern, and it has been non-stop camp preparation since Day 1. So far, in the past four weeks, I've been in the office a total of 6 days! We've been jumping from one camp to the other-- I haven't fully unpacked my suitcase since May! Thankfully, camp season is over now, so I can do some laundry and get more than 5 hours of sleep... Maybe. 
Along with being insane, hectic, busy, and stressful... It has been the most rewarding month of my entire life. I have spent every waking moment either with students or praying for students! Getting to watch God move in their lives has been the most amazing and precious thing I have ever had the blessing to be a part of. I want to spend the rest of my life loving on and encouraging students in their walk with God.
When I tell people about my passion for students and my goal of spending every waking moment dedicated to them and helping them through the toughest trials, I almost always get the same response: "Well then, you better find yourself a youth pastor husband!!" Right. Well. I can't, can I? My 6 months is up... Darn.

This Blog isn't going to be about my search-- or lack thereof-- for a husband. This blog is going to be about a girl doing what she loves: the ups and downs, the lefts and rights, the upsets, the victories, and the grace that God always extends her way. I just thought I'd kick it off with a silly little story and the passion of my heart! Please know, I don't actually think that "my time is up" and that I'm gonna be alone forever-- I know that God is not confined to our timeline or what we think is best. So husband or no husband, I'm going to follow His lead and let Him make the calls: not some dude at my church. :)

Matthew 10:27

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